Tag Archives: Travelling

Travel Goddess Diary

30 Apr

It seems I am enjoying blogging so much, I had to had an other one! Sure this is symptomatic of our materialistic world – we’re never happy with what we have, haha. It’s true, isn’t it?

But I have an excuse 😉 No seriously, I eventually want to be successful with my blogging and one of the essential parts to do so is the focus on a subject. Though the title might indicate so, this is not a travel blog. This is a blog about personal transformation and a critical view on this world. And it shall remain exactly like this as I enjoy these subjects deeply and am sure to have much more to say on it!

For now I want to satisfy another desire, this is to meet the Goddess in every step and every breath I take. Maybe a bit exaggerating as I will be spending my time experiencing not sitting in an internet café. Anyway it is my desire to write a specific travel blog with a focus on encountering the Goddess. Let’s see where that takes me! If you are interested, PLEASE feel free to follow it also the new facebook page where most of the pictures will be posted.

Goddess Travel Diary Blog


Gipsy Soul


18 Apr

Most important: I got a one way ticket to Peru!!!!!! 4th of July will be the day & I am off…. so happy 😀

Firebirds & the Goddess Lakshmi

26 Feb

Watching the red fireball settle into the ocean at night and grandmother moon raising from over the hills I feel connected to life again. New living qualities lurching around and offering fulfillment or destruction. The endless rolling of the waves shoots my strained nerves, my sick body, my broken heart. The wind is caressing my skin while my senses overload from feelings of numbness back to pain and joy again. The beauty of the sunlight reflected and carried on by the waves is what reminds me of a purpose – a duty. This little India adventure is coming to and end and I wanted to indulge you with some more transformation stories.

The Indians love the Goddess Lakshmi or Laxmi. Cafés, Shops, Restaurants, Hotels and Daughters are named after Her – all for good Luck!

In the Hindu tradition, Lakshmi is the Goddess of abundance. She is a bringer of physical wealth in the form of success and money, and spiritual wealth, such as intelligence, enlightenment and the awakening to the God within. On a deeper, esoteric meaning she is associated with immortality and the essence of life. She is often depicted with a lotus and an elephant. The lotus represents purity and spiritual power; the elephant, royal authority. She “shines like the sun” and “is lustrous like fire”. In her hand she holds a lotus flower. The flower represents the greatest treasure of all, the attainment of spiritual power and perfection through self-realization, or oneness with the Higher Self. Within the lotus flower, Lakshmi holds the key to the next stage of our spiritual development. Lakshmi is an embodiment of the Divine Mother. Her consort is Vishnu who holds the office of Preserver in the Hindu Trinity, parallel to the principle of the Son in the Western Trinity. Lakshmi shares Vishnu’s role as preserver. Her wisdom is revealed in blessings of prosperity and the precipitation of the abundant life.

I’ve met many old friends here in Arambol, beloved and missed. One very special one I want to tell you about, her name is Laxmi. One of many young girls selling souvenirs along the beaches, she does stand out. Not only for her extraordinary beauty but for intelligence even more. The blessings of the Goddess must indeed be hers as she single handedly lifted her family from plain poverty into having a family owned business at the age of seven. The family used to live in a tent on the roadside crafting baskets in endless hours of fruitless activity, bellies empty and spirits low. But not for her, it must be an ingrained drive for survival that made her first beg and then invest the first money she earned into things to sell, maximizing her profit. That’s the spirit of microfinance all over again and I must say I am deeply touched by it. But what made me finally adopt her as a daughter in a sense that I might never have, is the fact that she doesn’t only speak several languages including Russian in the manner of business, her English is so sophisticated she speaks science and all, I am deeply impressed. I met her parents to pay my respects on them letting her go to school, she is really destined for greatness and it makes my heart jump in joy to see her family supportive of her endeavours. Aged 13 now she is indeed the smartest kid on the beach, and with ambitions, she knows exactly what she wants and maybe there is hope she will not get married away soon. Something she doesn’t want now, because she wants to become a teacher. In any case this is out of my influence I did what I could by investing in her dowry. Wanting to make her a gift I was more thinking along the lines of school books, cloth or food for the family – but while at it we settled for earings made of gold and her first ever cotton dress. Driving 3 persons on a scooter through half of Goa to the commercial capital Mapusa to go to the Jeweller was quite a rewarding experience for me, as was the glow on her face when she got her presents. I know she loved me anyway but for this even more and I pray for her and her family that they are well and prosperous in the times to come, else they certainly have something valuable to sell now in dire need. The girl loves Sai Baba, he is here favorite God and she told me many stories as we drove through green fields populated with the blue shining kingfisher birds followed by fields of rotting rubbish – such is India.

As I was out there my culinary glands got activated a lot and the desire for these delicious Idly and Sambhar rose up again. Incredible that this is not sold in any restaurant at the beach, while Idly, a soft rice and daal composition, is actually the staple food in southern India! As it is popular for breakfast I gladly indulged in some other quick served local food, while looking forward to the next morning at the beach when they brought me fresh Idly from the countryside. Followed by my favorite Calamari dish specially prepared by my dear friends at Opinahl. Maybe one should not drive 3 on a scooter to go gold shopping in an Indian Market but I dare say all went well and beyond. Leaving my last day in Arambol to complete another important deed

In Hindu Mythology Lakshmi’s consort is the God Vishnu who often rides on a large mythical eagle like creature called Garuda. Garuda is known throughout Hindu and Buddhists mythology alike and some sources reference the great mythical bird also to the Phoenix, know from Egyptian, Persian, Greek, Sumerian and other occidental cultures. The Phoenix is said to live a thousand years and there is always only just one. Before he dies he builds himself a nest of frankincense where he is burned to ashes. From the ashes of the old bird rises the young again to live the next episode in the eternal firebirds story.

For me the Phoenix has always been the archetypal image of transformation. Something old dies so that something new can live. The cycle of life. Ouroboros, the snake that eats itself. I have a deep fascination with such symbolism including a strong urge to put them on my body in the form of tattoos! Tattoos are art that goes literally under the skin, making a statement of who one is. Last year I’d started my second big piece depicting my power animals and allowing the Eagle to become a Phoenix as my old self is indeed dying. I feel like I’ve lived this life for a thousand years and now is the time to be reborn! Unfortunately my dear Peruvian tattoo artist has moved to far away Australia and I was walking around with an unfinished tattoo, a fact that worried me to quite a big degree.

And I love love love how things turn out when I am in the flow of life!!! There’s a rather famous and peculiar tattoo artist in Arambol, by the name of Om. I’d known his brother from before and now through his other brother I got to know him, he seemed rather likeable, for I am always a bit hesitant to let those dark skinned intimidating and slightly dangerous looking Indian guys on my fair white skin… 😉 Of course, as with every sensible European girl I was concerned with sanity. I was rather dumbfolded by their response when I asked about it. “You white people clean your asses with toilet paper, we Indian people clean our asses with water, who do you think is cleaner?” For reasons of my own recent experience that made all my further concerns unnecessary and I can happy tell you now that the tattoo healed quickly and looks great. The phoenix has risen from the ashes indeed, there is no way back now anymore – I must attempt this big journey and TRUST that life provides. And it does, I got my first webdesign client, check it out at www.omtattoogoa.co.cc.

I am home as I post this but not for long, Barcelona is calling…. And in 4 month I am off!!!! Yeah

Lakshmi’s blessings to all of you.

11/11/11 & The Ancestors of Atlantis

8 Nov


Another apoclyptical date is upon us the 11-11-11.

It’s not just the birthday of my lost love or the day I will reconnect with my circle of healers or the day my life changed drastically when I was a kid or the number I met times and times again. I am not a numerologist but the 11 11 stands for the I & the I, the higher & the personal self. It is a cosmic date and a full moon. It might be the real date of the 10-28 consciousness shift and then again this is a process. There is transformation in the air and many people are focusing on the shift. I am a believer, I can feel it in all my cells, and I desperately hope for something to happen, the world needs it! Please people let’s wake up. We are all connected, with each other, with the cosmos, with all beings. If we continue like this, the human race will die out. Still there is hope.

Today I am a bit lacking the words with all this amazingly wonderful and yet so difficult stuff going on I would like to share two fantastic videos of “teachers” whose work has inspired my greatly, both of them speak a lot about the importance of opening the heart. If you have the time and the interest I warmly recommend watching them. And though I resonate with the idea that the time of teachers and students is gone, because every single one of us has the ability to access the universal knowledge, the Akasha, and live and take action from the Heart, these videos are better than anything I could write at the moment.

Number one is Drunvalo Mechizedek’s Birth of a New Humainty

This is super interesting and it totally makes sense to me as hard to believe as it might sound to some. The Atlanteans and the Ascended Masters gave us the opportunity to save ourselves and the time is now!

I have been to many of the sacred sites mentioned in the video. In England Stonehenge, Avebury, Silbury, 9 Barrows, Stanton Drew and visited Crop Circles several times. In Egypt I’ve not only seen the Gizeh pyramids and the Sphinx but also Abu Sir, Saqqara and Dashur. This year I’ve been to South Mexico and Guatemala to do a full chakra spiral of the consciousness grid visiting the amazing sites of Uxmal, Labna, Kabah, Chichen Itza, Tulum, Kohunlich, Palenque, Bonampak, Yaxchilan, Tikal and El Mirrador.

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I’ve always been drawn to the ancient sites, and in the last few years enjoying my personal freedom I’ve gone out there to visit some of them. Naturally many more are  on my wishlist. Foremost it will be Peru and Chile but also India and Nepal are still calling to me. Sacred geometry and Geomancy have also always been of great interest to me, maybe because of all of this I feel so deeply connected to this story. But then again in my opinion and compared to all that esoteric crap that is out there, this stuff makes sense to me!

The second video is from a woman called little Grandmother and I think it is so soft and subtle that it speaks for itself.

Please join the human collective energetically in any way you can dancing, singing, meditating, hugging trees, kissing, laughing, and just being love on 11/11/11 11.11 AM.

See you there!
